Chakras are energy points within your body that help to regulate organ function, immune system and emotions. Seven chakras are found throughout your body, from the base of your spine to the crown of your head. Each chakra has its own frequency, energy and color. Maintaining its balance keeps you psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy.
• Root Chakra-Stone/Chakra NOTES
• Sacral Chakra-Stone/Chakra NOTES
• Solar Plex Chakra-Stone/Chakra NOTES
• Heart Chakra-Stone/Chakra NOTES
• Throat Chakra-Stone/Chakra NOTES
• Third Eye Chakra-Stone/Chakra NOTES
• Crown Chakra-Stone/Chakra NOTES
Chakras are energy points within your body that help to regulate organ function, immune system and emotions. Seven chakras are found throughout your body, from the base of your spine to the crown of your head. Each chakra has its own frequency, energy and color. Maintaining its balance keeps you psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy.
• Root Chakra-Stone/Chakra NOTES
• Sacral Chakra-Stone/Chakra NOTES
• Solar Plex Chakra-Stone/Chakra NOTES
• Heart Chakra-Stone/Chakra NOTES
• Throat Chakra-Stone/Chakra NOTES
• Third Eye Chakra-Stone/Chakra NOTES
• Crown Chakra-Stone/Chakra NOTES
Chakras are energy points within your body that help to regulate organ function, immune system and emotions. Seven chakras are found throughout your body, from the base of your spine to the crown of your head. Each chakra has its own frequency, energy and color. Maintaining its balance keeps you psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy.
• Root Chakra-Stone/Chakra NOTES
• Sacral Chakra-Stone/Chakra NOTES
• Solar Plex Chakra-Stone/Chakra NOTES
• Heart Chakra-Stone/Chakra NOTES
• Throat Chakra-Stone/Chakra NOTES
• Third Eye Chakra-Stone/Chakra NOTES
• Crown Chakra-Stone/Chakra NOTES